
A tonne of people have helped us work on this project. It’s tricky to list everyone, but these 5 people make up our core team. Let’s meet them!


Shobha Kalyan

Wellington, New Zealand

You’ll usually find Shobha in the kitchen, cooking up a mouth watering storm! It’s always been her dream to write a family Gujarati cookbook for her three girls. The authentic cuisine is a huge part of her family, and preserving her family recipes to pass on to future generations is something she’s always wanted to do. She’s played a huge role in cooking and testing her recipes multiple times, writing the recipes and other book content in a consistent and readable format, and helping to ensure that the structure of the book flows logically. She’s brought a lot of her story into the book to show how much Gujarati food has played in her life, making it that much more special!


Keryn Kalyan

Wellington, New Zealand

Keryn loves working on side projects, and this has been the perfect project, with bonus points of being able to do it with her mum! Like her mum, she loves experimenting and having fun in the kitchen, and she’s also discovered a love for small business. Together these interests have enabled her to take on the roles of project managing, food photographing, researching, forming and managing the team, marketing, and completing other business activities. She never thought that this project would involve all of these things, but she’s loved learning it all and has a new appreciation for small business and self-published books!


Jessica Read

London, UK

Originally based in Wellington, Jess is now a London-based Kiwi designer. She has the most incredible eye for design, and it’s no surprise that she’s already won awards in her professional design career! She’s been on the team since the start, creating a range of design concepts to help Shobha and Keryn decide and drive the art direction of the cookbook. She’s also been a huge help in creating some beautiful social media assets/posts that align with the brand to help market the cookbook. Collaborating with the team, Jess has helped to create a vibrant and fun look and feel that perfectly portrays the vision of the book, and also the state of Gujarat!


Andrea Coppock

Auckland, New Zealand

Andrea works absolute magic with words through her incredible copy-editing skills! After the content was compiled, Andrea went through every word with a fine-tooth comb to ensure accuracy and consistency. And what talent she has, with the added complexity of this cookbook being Gujarati themed. Andrea also wrote the index, a critical part for readers to be able to easily navigate the content. Her experience in the cookbook world is evident, having worked on books by many of New Zealand’s top cooks, including Peter Gordon, Nadia Lim and Simon Gault.


Kate Wanwimolruk

Wellington, New Zealand

Before the final file is sent to the printing company, it’s crucial that there’s a thorough proofreading process to ensure that everything is in order. This is where the wonderful Kate comes in! Similar to Andrea, Kate has a tonne of experience in the cookbook industry - check out some of her awesome work here! She has a particular love for self-publishing so is very well aligned with the thinking behind the approach to create Pass It On. Her skills and fine eye to detail have been incredible, as well as her tips and tricks for some of the other areas of the self-publishing journey.